Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:15am                 Locke and Main Street

Who needs a gym! Tone your legs, bums and tums!

60 minute program
incorporates movements that build on, focus on & introduce the foundation of fitness and help to strengthen and transition out of a sedentary life.
Get to know your body and how strong you really are.
Strength building, core, flexibility, balance and restorative class.

Small group fitness classes that are ideal for and geared towards the beginner or beginning again woman.
The routines provide strength building, transfer to life balance/coordination, mental stimulation and the enjoyable and relaxing restorative flare. Depending on the class the equipment used varies: foam roller, weights, skipping rope, yoga blocks, bands, yoga mats – all are supplied to clients.

                                                              2022 Small Group Pricing


Contact me to register or to inquire about trying a drop in class

One on one or small group by appointment only
This session will teach you the basics of foam rolling and an opportunity to refine and practice your techniques. All areas of the body, targeting chronic pain & muscular discomfort, including the lymphatic system will be addressed.
You can expect a core workout ending with relaxing restorative poses.
CONTACT  me to book


Most all of us have areas of unhealthy fascia as we live our lives working, playing and competing.  If your clients sit for most of their working day, or are rigorous exercisers who leave little time for muscle recovery it’s very likely that sooner or later the muscles and joints will need some extra TLC.
Interested in hosting a workshop on fascia health and the benefits of foam rolling?
Click HERE to book

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As a female led company we understand and remove the barriers of going to a gym, by offering the option of a mobile trainer. If you enjoy working out at home, at your gym, or the office we meet you where you’re at, literally! Customizing a fitness program to fit your ability, goals, and space, always with the option to come and use our fitness studio for your session at no additional cost.

Affordable packages make our time together long enough for you to experience results. 1 session is the equivalent to 60 minutes
Click HERE to inquire about packages and availability